Tuesday 27 September 2022

Nkoli (poems on mental health)

 Buried dreams 

Let’s revisit her buried dreams

Those she traded in for excuses

Those replaced by insecurities 

The ones that had her talking 

Those God delayed in transporting

Untapped shapers of her reality 

Those suckers who sneak up in the middle of her sad story

The last sparks of a dead engine

Let’s revisit her buried dreams

For this we must dig deeper than six feet

Traveling through inferiority complex 

Shopping for antique pieces of she

Hidden in open places

On display for all to se

Right behind the cover girl life she strives to live 

Let’s revisit her buried dreams

In this game of hide and seek, at every turn she must pay a fee 

Careful, graveyards are scarily rich you see 

Burial grounds please release her buried dreams from your grip

Those things that fear, loss, pain and life’s alter hold still

Let’s revisit her buried dreams 

Picking up bits and pieces of her identity, pawned for what she believed to be peace

Let’s revisit her buried dreams

 To find out why she is and who she could be

Dreams to be: a preacher, singer, writer,  beautiful  but most importantly to be free 

Let’s revisit her buried dreams,

 The recent tormentors in her head and dreams

Proof of a life of settling and mediocrity

Let’s revisit her buried dreams 

In resurrecting them they might just breathe life into her

 So it’s what the risk 

Instead of digging her grave I hope she digs up her buried dreams 

Written By


{For Nkoli]

(C) March, 2020


Growing up and being told constantly that you’re not normal, seriously destroys yourself esteem. I am a girl in my late teens who was born ...